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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Interview with Book Designer Stewart Williams Reedsy
Meeting with Book Designer Stewart Williams Reedsy â€Å"I like things somewhat more visceral†¦Ã¢â‚¬ - A meeting with fashioner Stewart Williams. We are pleased to highlight creator Stewart Williams on Reedsy. Stewart’s capturing, excellent and unique structures have crossed an enormous scope of titles from books to cooking to verse and a scope of true to life. We got some extraordinary bits of knowledge into Stewart’s innovative procedure, his way to deal with various classifications and writers, in addition to the chances of a rich online presence.For the unqualified admirers of the composed word, I’ve translated the greater part of the meeting beneath. Be that as it may, for the individuals who need to partake in the conversation, you can straightforwardly go along with us on the home base! Hello Stewart, a debt of gratitude is in order for going along with me on this joint. In the first place, would you be able to give me a touch of foundation on how you turned into an independent book designer?I began in the distributing scene working in magazines and papers, and was essentially workmanship coordinating for different distributions in Seattle for a significant long time. I worked for various papers, anyway I truly needed to work with books, on the grounds that I’ve consistently adored perusing and I’ve cherished books since I was a little child. I generally imagined that the distributing business was entrancing and that what spread planners did was actually the sort of thing I needed to do as a realistic designer.Whilst I was working for papers I began to land positions to a great extent with distributers and I didn’t turn down anything. I realized that each activity that I could do was something I could add on to my portfolio, to assist me with ge tting greater and greater customers as I moved along. After a concise time of movement, Sasquatch books employed me as a senior originator and I remained there for a couple of years. I at last wound up in New York City where I couldn’t discover any work whatsoever, so I simply chose to go work together for myself.I began to manufacture a nearness utilizing all the contacts I had obtained, and I knew around then that it was extremely significant for me to take a shot at my online nearness, so I was continually doing on the web portfolios. I can’t recollect the last time I demonstrated anyone a physical portfolio, no one truly utilizes those any longer. I was at that point making sites back in the mid 1990s, and those have truly helped in light of the fact that I truly don’t realize where individuals discover my work, so I attempt to put it everywhere.I truly like the way that you put all your work out there, on various stages. I’ve checked your blog and yo u’re one of only a handful not many spread planners I’ve seen at Reedsy who posts all the tasks they’re doing, including data about the imaginative procedure and past spread forms. I figure too not many creators do that.I’ve saw that too and I don’t know why that is. I think at times it has to do with this thought when individuals pursue a portfolio and are requesting a depiction, on the off chance that you have 25 spreads it can appear to be a touch of overwhelming to compose 25 portrayals without a moment's delay. For me it was consistently essential to do it as I came so this wouldn’t happen.Also, I think individuals come up short on comments, or they are attempting to truly let the work represent themselves. In any case, for my customers, individuals pose me explicit inquiries, as â€Å"do you do YA?†or â€Å"how numerous spreads do you do?†, and I imagine that the clarifications that I give truly demystify what is happeni ng on my end so the individuals improve thought of how the procedure functions. The blog truly causes me outline that for them instead of simply do some enchantment stunt and state: â€Å"here’s your cover!†In specific, likewise, I do it to show to individuals what number of spread plans go into a spread undertaking for someone like Amazon. In some cases I do 13 unique spreads before they settle on the one they like.You referenced you’ve worked in the past for large distributers, however it appears that now you’re moving a piece towards outside the box writers and getting more work from them, am I right?Yes, that’s valid, it’s something that I’ve seen increasingly more in the course of the last 3-4 years: with the ascent of the Kindle individuals have begun to compose freely and distribute through KDP or comparative administrations. It’s been extremely unique for me to start with in light of the fact that I for the most part ne ver managed creators, and I understood I delighted in it a considerable amount. Once in a while they have great thoughts, or they simply need you to do whatever you feel like, and I like that immediate line of correspondence with people.And by working legitimately with creators you get progressively imaginative opportunity, right?You know, I’ve frequently found along the years that the less I get paid, the more inventive opportunity I have! At the point when individuals have bigger financial plans they will in general have a thought of precisely what they need you to do. With littler financial plans, they’re progressively slanted to give up control of things and let you do what you need if the cost is held down. Obviously I never utilize that as an approach to do whatever I feel like, since I think it’s extremely critical to hear what the creator is disclosing to me the need. I need to ensure that my work is something they’ll be content with and will assi st them with selling their book.Do you incline toward working simply with stock symbolism, or outlines, or a mixture?That’s something else that has to do with spending plans as it were. I think there is a great deal of cheap stock photography out there, so it is difficult to persuade someone to spend more cash on an illustration.I’m not so much an artist, I haven’t done it professionally. I like to delineate, however it’s a unique little something where I need to substantiate myself to individuals before I get them to employ me, so I’m accomplishing progressively littler occupations that don’t pay as much just to get the experience and have something to show.I feel like with the flood of free distributing and the quantity of books accessible having a representation - something that is 100% one of a kind - truly includes value.I concur, and I’d state that the stock photography isn't staying aware of the interest, so you begin seeing si milar photos on various people’s books and that’s humiliating for the author.I think individuals are beginning to understand that you can't simply take a picture and put your title and name on it on the grounds that there is a generally excellent possibility that another person is going to utilize the same†¦You work over all classes, I think, yet is there any that you favor chipping away at? Or then again any task of late that you have especially enjoyed?I like things somewhat more instinctive, where there is to a greater degree a realistic edge. I think wrongdoing and ghastliness are that way. I do whatever it takes not to copy what individuals see out there and avoid the regular loathsomeness book cover.But I accomplish like to take a shot at all things, even true to life. I have a couple of customer distributers who distribute progressively chronicled books, and those will in general follow certain contemporary patterns in the United States legislative issues. I do like working with authentic and verifiable images.I likewise love dealing with verse books. There will in general be a non-direct approach to consider the spreads that can work with verse books, they’re not applied a similar way a fiction book may be. I think that its all the more fascinating and testing to work with a theoretical thought. On the off chance that you’re building a spread and you know there are sure components that must be on it, it turns out to be to a greater extent a creation procedure than an innovative one. My strategy for working is a little stranger and less direct than that.That’s great to hear, in light of the fact that a typical suggestion in the event that you write in a specific type is that your spread completely needs to regard certain rules that are a piece of the class. I generally feel like as a creator you would have a superior potential for success on the off chance that you accompany an alternate style for the spread, even one that doesn’t completely â€Å"respect†the genre.I would concur. Others who write in your kind all have comparative looking spreads. So if I’m going to search for a book in that sort on the web, I’m presumably quickly going to get the one that has a spread that doesn’t resemble all the others.That stated, it’s difficult to persuade individuals to accomplish something else. Indeed, even distributers will say to me: â€Å"this book has sold a considerable amount and it would seem that this, would you be able to accomplish something similar?†. However, the issue is that people in general is more intelligent than that and sooner or later it will get bored.I think there’s just a little window of time wherein you can imitate a thought and still be fruitful. The remainder of the time you’ve got the opportunity to have a go at something else. It is a hazard, and in spite of the fact that individuals need to face challenges, they ordinarily don’t need to be the first.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Racial Formation Essay Example for Free
Racial Formation Essay Stopping smoking is demonstrated to be an assignment that isn't anything but difficult to achieve. The normal number of stopping endeavors that dominant part of smokers attempt in the course of their life fluctuates from 6 to multiple times (Pfizer, Inc. , 2007). The smoking end endeavors are regularly not fruitful in light of flawed procedures utilized in the undertaking. Dominant part of smoker’s endeavors to stop are without utilization of clinical medications. In this way, the pitiful achievement paces of just 3 to 5 percent of the complete yearly endeavors. The accessibility of items like bupropion hydrochloride, nortriptyline hydrochloride, and nicotine substitution drugs shows just unobtrusive achievements (Nides et al. , 2006). In accordance with this problem, a medication was produced to assistant smokers in their stopping adventure with a bit by bit method. This medication which is fabricated by Pfizer, Inc. is known for its image name Chantixâ ® however its conventional name is varenicline tartrate. This medication was made to offer a powerful help for smokers that need to stop this bad habit. Medication particulars and method of activity Varenicline tartrate, the tartrate salt type of varenicline, groups the substance name 7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-6,10-methano-6H-pyrazino[2,3-h][3]benzazepine, (2R,3R)- 2,3-dihydroxy-butanedioate (1:1). This substance which is the dynamic element of Chantixâ ® surprisingly disintegrates in water and has a white to somewhat yellow shading when in controlled structure. Varenicline has the atomic recipe C13H13N3†¢C4H6O6 (RxList, Inc. , 2009). This medication is a non-nicotinic sedate that objectives the ? 4? 2 nicotinic receptor in the mind. It acts through blockage of nicotine from joining to the ? 4? 2 nicotinic receptor. These receptors are a similar objective of nicotine, a substance present in cigarette. The authoritative of nicotine with the ? 4? 2 nicotinic receptors after the smoker breathes in tobacco smoke passes on a message to a particular part in the cerebrum to release dopamine, the substance answerable for making the joy feeling. The dependence on cigarette smoking is because of brief length nature of the pleasurable inclination that is made by dopamine. The body longs for more nicotine with the goal that a reproduction of the pleasurable inclination happens over and over. Since varenicline forestalls the official of nicotine with its mind receptors; the admission of this medication will eradicate the sentiment of joy that an individual encounters each time cigarette is smoked. In this way, stopping of smoking is simpler alongside admission of varenicline on the grounds that the demonstration of smoking doesn't bring the positive sentiment any longer (Coe et al. 2005). Another positive characteristic of varenicline is its ability to diminish the smoking withdrawal signs through its collaboration with the dopamine receptors. This communication brings about the release of the hormones that permits the person to feel delight or â€Å"feel-good†hormones (Bullock, 2007). Along these lines, during varenicline prescription the smoker won't experience the horrendous withdrawal indications since high measures of â€Å"feel-good†hormones are dispersed in their blood. Precautionary measures and symptoms The antagonistic responses related with the admission of varenicline are: wooziness; queasiness; cerebral pain; weariness; social changes like melancholy and testiness; supported craving; regurgitating; diminished entrail motility; fart; and, resting issues. This medication can not be brought with cimetidine on the grounds that the last will intensify varenicline levels in the plasma. Insulin; blood thinners like warfarin or coumadin; and theophylline are other restorative prescriptions denied during varenicline medicine (â€Å"MSN wellbeing and fitness†). Safeguards that should be seen during varenicline prescription are: meeting with a doctor about the correct measurement and length of treatment; checking of social changes during the medicine time frame; this medication isn't useful for people whom are beneath 18 years of age, pregnant, and bosom taking care of moms; the admission of this medication may likewise adjust the exhibition of specific errands; and, drug ought to be after food ingestion (MIMS, 2009). Further safety measures showed in the utilization of this medication are: non-use among individuals with history of mental illness and kidney issues; consistence with legitimate dose endorsed by the specialist; and, recognition of solution mark (â€Å"MSN wellbeing and fitness†). Viability of varenicline treatment According to its producer, varenicline medicine has the smoking stopping achievement pace of 44 percent while sugar pills just have 18 percent adequacy (Pfizer, Inc. , 2007). In an investigation led by Nides et al. (2006) contrasting varenicline and bupropion an altogether higher achievement rate among varenicline cured subjects was watched. The viability of this medication in the said examination was 21. 9 percent, while, bupropion just had 16. 1 percent. Another examination which demonstrates the limit of this medication to build the achievement pace of smoking end is that one done by Cahill et al. (2007). It is noted in the said examination that varenicline significantly increases the accomplishment of smoking end when contrasted with the individuals who are sedated with antidepressants or had no meds by any stretch of the imagination. Issues on varenicline medicine Among the issues that are combined with the prescription of varenicline are the unforgiving reactions like visualizations and the modifications in the view of delight. A varenicline sedated individual revealed that during his treatment with varenicline he encountered extraordinary fantasies just as changes in his satisfaction after exercises that can as far as anyone knows satisfy a person. Given instances of the exercises he can’t discover delight any longer were: composing, working out, self-incitement stunts, and socialization (Cloud, 2009). Another issue with varenicline medicine is the self-destructive tendency of people taking this medication. There are reports of people having self destruction considerations and submitting suicides that are ascribed to the admission of varenicline as a remedial associate for smoking suspension. This medication is likewise accounted to enhance mental conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar issue. These reports were at that point answered to FDA consequently the counsel of this organization to take gigantic alert when endorsing and taking varenicline (FDA, 2007). Biochemical Pathway The most extreme plasma convergence of varenicline is achieved 3 †4 hours post oral admission of the medication. This drug’s bioavailability is high after oral admission and isn't adjusted by the dosing time and the nearness or nonappearance of food. Varenicline however has a plasma protein restricting that is underneath or equivalent to 20 percent. It takes a gauge of 24 hours for the half-life end of this medication to occur and irrelevant digestion was watched (RxList, Inc. , 2009). End Regardless of the symptoms that are supposed to be ascribed to the organization of varenicline, this drug’s viability as a smoking suspension assistant stays to be unaffected. Practically the entirety of the accessible medications have reactions along these lines it isn't disturbing for varenicline to likewise have some symptoms. That is the reason insurances are accessible to kill the event of the majority of a drug’s symptoms. The correct recognition of the considerable number of precautionary measures showed for this medication guarantees that the individual experiencing varenicline treatment and smoking suspension attempt will have no medical issues owing to the medicine. The heaviness of help that this medication can loan to the smokers who are attempting to leave their dangerous bad habit (smoking) is essentially higher when contrasted with the dangers of symptoms indication during the restorative time frame. Consequently, suspension of smoking can be made simpler through the assistant of varenicline tartrate (Chantixâ ® ). Reference List Bullock, Carole. (2007). Smokers get a kick from varenicline; new research discovers tranquilize significantly increases quit rate. Heartwire. Recovered March 25, 2009 from http://www.theheart. organization/article/768455. do Cloud, John. (2009). Would one be able to Drug Cure Addiction to Another? Time, Inc. Recovered March 26, 2009 from http://www. time. com/time/wellbeing/article/0,8599,1883588,00. html? xid=rss-fullhealthsci-hurray Coe JW, Brooks PR, Vetelino MG, Wirtz MC, Arnold EP, Huang J, Sands SB, Davis TI, Lebel LA, Fox CB, Shrikhande A, Heym JH, Schaeffer E, Rollema H, Lu Y, Mansbach RS, Chambers LK, Rovetti CC, Schulz DW, Tingley FD third, ONeill BT. (2005). Varenicline: A ? 4? 2 Nicotinic Receptor Partial Agonist for Smoking Cessation. Diary of Medicinal Chemistry, 48(10), 3474-3477. U. S. Food and Drug Administration, (FDA). (2007). Early Communication About an Ongoing Safety Review Varenicline (advertised as Chantix). Recovered March 26, 2009 from http://www. fda. gov/Cder/Drug/early_comm/varenicline. htm MIMS. (2009) Varenicline. Recovered March 25, 2009 from http://www. mims. com/Page. aspx? menuid=mngname=vareniclinegenmono=true â€Å"MSN wellbeing and fitness†(2008). Varenicline. Focus Multum, Inc. Recovered March 25, 2009 from http://wellbeing. msn. com/drugs/articlepage. aspx? cp-documentid=100160707 Nides, M. , Oncken, C. , Gonzales, D. , Rennard, S. , Watsky, E. J. , Anziano, R. , and Reeves, K. R. (2006). Smoking Cessation with Varenicline, a Selective a ? 4? 2 Nicotinic Receptor Partial Agonist. Documents of Internal Medicine, 166. Recovered March 25, 2009 from http://archinte. ama-assn. organization/cgi/republish/166/15/1561
Friday, August 21, 2020
Nike strategic fit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nike vital fit - Essay Example Nike tries to serve the human potential through games - as the organization states, We feel fortunate to have a certifiable, charitable motivation to be: the administration of human potential. That is the extraordinary advantage of sports, and we're happy to be in it.2 Kotler (1974) states that, 'a person's convictions or originations about what is alluring, fortunate or unfortunate - structures the worth framework.' In the present serious condition such a worth framework assumes a urgent job in fulfilling client needs as well as in taking on the opposition also. An organization can secure upper hand on its adversaries by virtue of promoting endeavors, brand building, esteem creation, development, operational efficiencies and so on however increasingly significant is to support the main edge. Worth creation frames the center part for continuing the upper hand. Mele and Colurci (2006) give particular ideal models to an incentive all things considered.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Comparing New Mexico State and Arizona State Constitutions - 1375 Words
Comparing New Mexico State and Arizona State Constitutions (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Instructor:Course:Date:Comparative State ConstitutionsCompare the rights enumerated in the Arizona and New Mexico constitutions. In what ways do the rights differ and how are they similar? Which of these rights provided for in the Arizona and New Mexico constitutions is not enumerated in the federal constitution?Political power in both the state of Arizona and New Mexico are vested in the people, the government receive their just powers from the people and their will. Both states, constitution state that no one shall be deprived of property, life or liberty. All persons are entitled to freedom of speech, this right applies to both states, and one can speak freely or write their sentiments on anything. The New Mexico constitution states that the privilege of the Habeaus corpus should not be suspended by the authorities unless there is a case of invasion or rebellion and public safety requires it. Both states permit an individual to bear arms for defense, hunting, recreational use and other lawful purposes, in New Mexico, however the municipality or county will not regulate any incident of carrying and bearing arms.New Mexico and Arizona constitution states that no person shall be convicted of treason without a testimony from two witnesses to the same overt act or confession in open court. Treason against the state is levying war against it, aiding enemies and giving them comfort.The Arizona constitution states that persons charged with crime shall be bailable by sufficient sureties except: for sexual assault, capital offenses and sexual conduct with an under fifteen years of age minor when proof is evident. An individual can also be denied bail for serious felony offenses like entering the United States illegally. If the offender is a danger to the community and the safety of an individual bail can be denied if proof is evident. New Mexico also allows for bail except in situations where proof is evident for the crime. Bail in this state can be denied by the district court for sixty days after an incarceration of the defendant .The order has to be entered seven days after the incarceration in some instances. The first instance is if the defendant has been previously accused of two or more felonies within the state. The second instance is if the defendant used a deadly weapon and has been convicted before in the state.Most laws are shared by the state of Arizona and New Mexico and these include:Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. There shall be no imprisonment for debt, except in cases of fraud. Any person having knowledge or possession of facts that tend to establish the guilt of any other person or corporation charged with bribery or illegal rebating, shall not be excused from giving testimony or producing evidence, when legally called upon to. All elections shall be free and equal, and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage.Compare the Arizona and New Mexico legislatures in terms of representation (How many representatives in total and how many representatives and senators per district); Describe the type of districting that Arizona has and the effect it produces in terms of party politics. Do the two states employ term limits? If so, what are they? When do the legislatures of Arizona and New Mexico meet?New Mexico states that the senate should be composed of forty two members who are elected from single member districts. The House of Representatives in the same State of New Mexico should comprise of not more than seventy members who are elected from single-member districts. In the State of Arizona the senate shall be composed of a single member who will be elected from each of the thirty legislative districts. The House of Representatives on the other hand shall be composed of two members elected from each of the thirty legislative districts establis hed.Arizona consists of an independent redistricting commission that establishes Congressional Districts and Legislative Districts both should have equal population and be geographically compact. The districts will be required to comply with the United States Constitution and the United States Voting Rights Act. Every February 28, in the state of Arizona a redistricting commission is established, it shall consist of five members, no more than the two members of the redistricting commission shall be of the same political party. Of the other two members, none should be from the same county. Every member should be a registered voter in Arizona and has continuously registered with the same political party for three or more years.The term limit for the members of state legislature in the state of Arizona is two years. No state senator will be allowed in office after four consecutive terms. After the maximum number of terms served no legislator will be allowed to serve in the same office until after being out of office for a full term. The New Mexico constitution states that members of the House of Representatives shall serve a term of two years. Senators from selected counties will serve for a term of six years and can also be elected for a term of four years thereafter.Compare the executive, gubernatorial, powers of Arizona and New Mexico. What is the length of the gubernatorial term in Arizona and New Mexico? Do Arizona and New Mexico impose term limits on their governors?Both duties of the Governor of the state of Arizona and New Mexico apply, they are both commander-in-chief of the military forces in their state. This power will however not apply when the forces are called to serve the United States. In both states the governor shall have power to grant pardon, commutations and reprieves after convictions for all offences apart from treason. New Mexico governors terms limit is four years, both the governor and lieutenant governor are elected jointly, they canno t however be elected again after serving two terms until one full term out of office has intervened. The state of Arizona states that the governor hold office for a term of four years, no member of the executive department shall be in that office for more than two terms, consecutively. In New Mexico, in case of an impeachment or death of governor the lieutenant governor takes into office, as for Arizona the next in power after such a situation is the secretary of state, this two will change after an active election for a new governor is done.How does the democratic process differ between Arizona and New Mexico in terms of initiatives and referendums? What makes Arizona unique among the fifty states in the United States in terms of democratic process?The state of Arizona has a house of representatives, the senate, which reserves power to its people. The legislative authority is vested in the legislature which consists of a house of representatives and the senate. The power to propose and reserve amendments and laws is reserved for the people, who can reject or approve any part of act, an item or act of the legislature at the polls. In New Mexico the legislative power is vested in the senate and house of representative an...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Response Paper of Meditation Four, Five, and Six - 774 Words
Bo Guo Dr. Eric Morton PHIL 2010-200 7 July 2013 Response Paper of Meditation Four, Five, and Six Descartes talked about the true and the false, and how we make mistakes in Meditation Four. Descartes believed that error as such is not something real that depends upon God, but rather is merely a defect. And thus there is no need to account for my errors by positing a faculty given to me by God for this purpose(546). He thought that the reason why we make mistakes is that the faculty of judging the truth, which we got from God, is not infinite(546). When Descartes focused more closely on more closely on himself and inquired into the nature of his errors, he noted that errors depend on the simultaneous concurrence of two causes:†¦show more content†¦So existent belongs to the essence of God. Descartes can no more think of God as not existing than he can think of mountain without a valley(550). Actually, I do really agree with Descartes’ prove process, even if I do not agree with some of his conclusion. I think the way he prove things is rational and logical. He thought we should raise some ideas which he has no doubt about it. Then he use them to prove things. It just like what Euclid did in Elements. Raise some Axioms first, then use them to prove all others and build the whole system.Elements presents them in a single, logically coherent framework, making it easy to use and easy to reference(3). But the key point to get a true conclusion and build a logical system is to find the correct Axioms or foundations. I have to say that Axioms or foundations changes because of the religion and the development of science. For example, the Axioms of the theory of relativity are different from the classical physics’ Axioms because human know more about the nature. Descartes thought that necessary existence belongs to the essence of God in Meditation Five, and take it as a foundation. But there must be someone does not think so. He thought that because of his brief. But someone may not believe in Go d. I think Axioms or foundations might be various depends on individual difference andShow MoreRelatedThe Definition Of Psychological Well Being Essay1976 Words  | 8 Pagesal. (2011) observed the date from six Chinese cities and found the negative correlation between atmospheric pollution and SWB (Smyth et al. 2011). Personality Factors Although a number of factors affect SWB, the most crucial role underlying differences in SWB between individuals is inherence, namely personality traits (Brebner et al. 1995; Diener 1985; Schmutte and Ryff 1997; Steel et al. 2008.) Although many personality traits have been linked with SWB, this paper primarily focuses on the trait ofRead More Stress within Women Essay1611 Words  | 7 Pages My term paper is on the topic of stress. Not just normal stress but I am focusing on stress with in women, young and old. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Jack Sparrow s Pirates Of The Caribbean
An interesting quotation that I came upon describing a trickster is â€Å"A company of wolves, is better than a company of wolves in sheep’s clothing.†In this paper I will be analyzing Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean and the many ways he cloaks himself to gain the likes of his peers while being the definition of a trickster on the inside. I will be discussing him via monomyth, as a trickster, and a cathartic and motivational hero. Jack Sparrow is a main character in the Pirates of the Caribbean series spanning four movies. Throughout the series, Sparrow goes on numerous journeys and faces a multitude of trials and tribulations. As defined on a monomyth is â€Å"a cyclical journey or quest undertaken by a†¦show more content†¦After he escapes, he is found in another situation where he wakes up on the Queen Anne’s Revenge and must convince the crew that he is the real Jack Sparrow. Here he uses his tricky and slick tongue to persuade the crew to lead a mutiny. After meeting Blackbeard, he agrees to help him find the fountain of youth, but he is only trying to find it for his own profit. A trickster blurs boundaries of society and does it for his own good. Sparrow blurs the boundaries between being a pirate and doing the right thing. Throughout the series, he can be seen offering to help and then turning it into his own personal gain. In on Stranger Tides, Sparrow acts like he is going to help the king and then turns against him and escapes. Once he arrives on Blackbeard’s ship, Sparrow agrees to help them find the fountain of youth. Once on the journey, he turns to doing what benefits him; thus, again blurring the boundaries and using trickery. Captain Barbosa is another character who uses trickery and blurs boundaries. The rivalry between Sparrow and Barbosa is evident of trickery in how they build off each other to trick others for their own good. In on Stranger Tides Barbosa acts as a captain for the British Navy to find Blackbeard who took his leg from him in the past. Barbosa was only using the Navy to run a ship to follow Blackbeard and find the fountain of youth where he turned back into a pirate with the motive to kill Blackbeard.Show MoreRelatedOrganizational Technology Plan for Disney4238 Words  | 17 PagesCompany, the famed children s entertainment corporation. Company History The Disney Company was started on October 16, 1923 by a partnership of two brothers, Walt and Roy Disney. It was originally known as Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio, which later became Walt Disney Studio. One of the first memorable creations Disney films made with sound was the Mickey Mouse cartoon call Steamboat Willie, which opened in New York on November 18, 1928. This was Mickey Mouse s introduction to adults and childrenRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 074 58, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers
Nursing & Midwifery Research Samples †
Question: Is It Beneficial To Administer Influenza Vaccine To Older Adults With Pneumonia During Flu Outbreak? Answer: The research paradigm to be chosen is quantitative and the approach would be non-experimental design- cohort study. The quantitative study is considered most appropriate in this case as it would be possible to obtain information about particular cases that will be prospectively followed. According to Merriam Tisdell (2015), quantitative designs are deductive in nature as one can test a theory or a hypothesis. Therefore, it will be easy to test the efficacy of the influenza vaccine as it is widely recommended during flu outbreak. The quantitative paradigm has objective approach and it is well structured. Since the objective is to assess the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine in older adults, quantitative approach is justified. The rationale being aim of the quantitative research paradigm to provide inferences on a population level. Quantitative design is appropriate as helps deduce the relationship between the independent and the dependent variable in the given population. Thus, this descriptive paradigm is justified to establish association between the influenza vaccine and pneumonia during flu outbreak as it requires observing large number of patients (LoBiondo-Wood Haber, 2017). It is cited in Tigchelaar et al. (2015) that a cohort study is beneficial in observational studies. It helps to observe a group of people with similar experience or characteristics. For instance, in this research, the criteria are to choose older adults 60 years or above suffering from pneumonia for influenza vaccination. Therefore, it is justified to adopt this design for research as it would involve observing a set of older patients with pneumonia. As per Pope Stanistreet (2017), prospective approach is the more robust approach. It ensures validity and reduces errors. In the observational epidemiological studies, prospective cohort studies are considered to be more reliable when compared with cross-sectional studies and the retrospective cohort studies. There are flaws to the quantitative, population based cohort studies such as long duration. However, the literature provides evidence that such studies are generating excellent data. Although there is high potential cost of error, it is the great way to study the long term trends. Thus, it is justified to study the trends when influenza vaccine is used for protecting older adults with pneumonia during flu season. In one quantitative study the effectiveness of the influenza vaccination was analysed in people above 60 years with pneumonia. The metaanalysis quantified data with reporting the visits involving cohort and case control studies on influenza vaccination. The limitations include recall bias. However, in one population based cohort study, vaccination was found to be effective in adults with pneumonia (Restiveo et al., 2017; Vila-Corcoles et al., 2016) There are limitations found in qualitative study using systematic review to explore behavioural factors affecting the influenza vaccine among elderly. The credibility was low as important evidence was excluded. Transferability is diminished. In another qualitative study, semi-structured interview was used to identify the facilitators ad barriers of healthcare providers in vaccinating elderly patients. However, the limitations include not conducting the interviews in real time (Ellen, 2017; Kan Zhang, 2018). It can be concluded that the chosen method of research is justified. References Ellen, M. (2017). Factors that influence influenza vaccination rates among the elderly: nurses perspectives.Journal of nursing management. Kan, T., Zhang, J. (2018). Factors influencing seasonal influenza vaccination behaviour among elderly people: a systematic review.Public health,156, 67-78. LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J. (2017).Nursing Research-E-Book: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Merriam, S. B., Tisdell, E. J. (2015).Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. John Wiley Sons. Pope, D., Stanistreet, D. (2017).Quantitative methods for health research: a practical interactive guide to epidemiology and statistics. John Wiley Sons. Restivo, V., Costantino, C., Bono, S., Maniglia, M., Marchese, V., Ventura, G., ... Vitale, F. (2017). Influenza vaccine effectiveness among high-risk groups: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies.Human vaccines immunotherapeutics, 1-12. Tigchelaar, E. F., Zhernakova, A., Dekens, J. A., Hermes, G., Baranska, A., Mujagic, Z., ... Franke, L. (2015). Cohort profile: LifeLines DEEP, a prospective, general population cohort study in the northern Netherlands: study design and baseline characteristics.BMJ open,5(8), e006772. Vila-Corcoles,A., Ansa,X., Ochoa-Gondar,O., Satue,E., De Diego,C., Rodriguez-Blanco,T. (2016). Pneumococcal pneumonia in adults 60 years or older: Incidence, mortality and prevention.Medicina Clnica,146(5), 199-202. doi:10.1016/j.medcli.2015.09.015
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