Saturday, September 7, 2019

Assignment 1 CB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assignment 1 CB - Essay Example Being from an Arabic country and living away from my home country, I feel that there are some things that if I had a chance I would champion for change. Top on the list is the perception that the world and even some of the people in my current environment have on Muslims like me. Although I have knowledge and feelings, especially from some research, that the situation was worse years back I feel that I have a purpose to make things a little better. Throughout my years in school and now in college, my plans and goals have been those of helping others. These goals sometimes seem rather lofty and unrealistic even to me but with my desire to change, I always find success in my endeavors. I remember back in high school when one of my friends, a Jew, was in a problem with a teacher. I offered to help him even though he was wrong. I stood as his advocate and even got a nickname for it among my schoolmates. With my young age and a life ahead of me, I believe my culture will change the world. I believe all problems can be solved effectively and that all people can reach their full potential if given opportunities. The opportunities, according to what I have learnt in life means a proper environment and

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