Monday, October 7, 2019

Belbins Theory Of Team Dynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Belbins Theory Of Team Dynamics - Essay Example In the context of the university, the student often felt sad when a classmate can no longer continue his or her studies. Or, the student often feel desolate when they have to end their group and go their own separate ways after working on a very long project. This separation can often affect their performance in the new group or the task that they are working as they are still attached to their former groups. Thus, the new group that they are with suffers performance deficit and or the process of group formation as inscribed by Belbin undergoes a tougher transition than it should. This brings to mind the valid concern on how to avoid the separation distress or separation dysfunction of group members after the adjournment process of their former group. How can this be effectively dealt with? An equally important consideration is the notion of how can we form groups that would perform but does not necessarily end in a stressful manner. On the first concern on how to avoid separation distress in the adjournment process of a group, it would be realistic to admit that group attachment cannot be avoided because it is an integral component of the group that made it effective in the first place. Teamwork and cooperation are founded on a good relationship and this good relationship is bonded by attachment whose degree may differ and thus, cannot be totally eliminated in a group. It does not mean however that team must end in a stressful manner. The stress associated with Belbin’s adjournment process can be mitigated by setting the expectations of the group members in the forming stage. This way, group members are aware that separation could be difficult and thereupon can take measures to mitigate its impacts such as saying goodbyes early, noting each other’s contact information and other measures intended to make the adjournment less stressful.

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