Sunday, December 29, 2019

Leadership Styles Of The Anime Show Essay - 1511 Words

Any organization or group of people, no matter how different, all have something in common. That is that within these groups of people, someone is in charge. If not because they were specifically put in power, then simply because people , for some reason or another, just listen to what they say. And just as there are and have been many leaders of various groups and organizations, there are also different styles of leading. Some methods for leading are, naturally, alot more effective than others. To effictively delve into leadership styles, it seems like an obvious option is to actually examine a couple of leaders, while comparing their leadership styles. Therefore, One that will be examined is a fictitious leader from the anime show, One Piece. The Characters Name is Monkey D. Luffy, and he is the leader of a pirate crew which is named the Straw Hat Pirates, After the infamous straw hat that Luffy wears. And who will be compared to the pirate captain? A very real non-fictional histo ric war vet, and once dictator of germany, Adolf Hitler. Both have been in the position of power and displayed their leadership abilities and now those leaders styles will be analyzed, to reveal various similarities, and expose the differences in leadership techniques used by both. So to start off, they will be compared before they are contrasted, but in what ways can the leader of Nazi Germany be compared to the main character of japanese cartoon show? Well for starters both have aShow MoreRelatedCaso 07 Hatsune Miku Japanese Virtual Idol Ignites Global Value Co creation8417 Words   |  34 Pagesopinion poll that asked â€Å"Who is the best singer for the London Olympics Opening Ceremony,† Miku ranked first, ahead of Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber.5 Miku herself, in her live-performance hologram form, was slated to be the opening act for a month of shows in Lady Gaga’s Artpop tour starting in May 2014.6 Miku’s exploding popularity brought with it new business opportunities for the company that created her. As of January 2014, 100,000 copies of the Hatsune Miku software had been sold.7 In addition,Read MoreMy Goals At Uci And Your Motivations Behind Them2340 Words   |  10 Pageslove to see what kind of styles I can learn. Art allows me to be creative and to be relieved from stress. I prefer to make things myself rather than buying materials because I feel a sense of satisfaction when I’m able to create something on my own. 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